Gleem™ Beauty products and its patented skin surfacing technology is formulated to nurture your skin and calm inflammation, a primary factor in many skin concerns. While nearly all other skin care products use a base of water, Gleem products feature a unique base of pure aloe vera in combination with other active ingredients. The Gleem formulations and ingredients encourage optimal skin health; with undeniable skin improvement.
Acne-prone skin means that breakouts happen more easily and more often for you. And, unfortunately, it's not a simple skin type that will just “go away on its own.” Instead, acne-prone skin requires consistent treatment over a number of months or years to manage it effectively.Acne develops when sebum — an oily substance that lubricates your hair and skin — and dead skin cells plug hair follicles. Bacteria can trigger inflammation and infection resulting in more severe acne. Gleem Suggests start with our Super Nourishing Cleanser. Then apply our RxFoliant Leave-On Maks and fianlly finish off this regimen with our Soft Immersion Moisturizer.
Oily skin happens when your glands produce too much sebum, which can lead to a greasy surface, clogged pores, and acne. Oily skin is perfectly normal. If you don't treat your oily skin, pores can become clogged and enlarged, and dead skin cells may accumulate. Blackheads, pimples and other types of acne are also common with this skin type. Gleem suggests using our Hydrating Toner. Toners are good for oily skin because they penetrate the pores to provide a more thorough cleansing and help balance your complexion. Finalize this regimen with our One and Done SPF30 Primer and Vitamin C beads. Oily skin still needs moisturizer because it helps regulate oil production. Not moisturizing can cause your skin to produce more oil to hydrate itself. Did you know that oil is one of your skin's most valuable assets? With the right amount, your skin can ward off wrinkles and keep it smooth and moist.
Dry skin is skin that doesn't have enough moisture in it to keep it feeling soft. The medical term for dry skin is xeroderma (pronounced “ze-ROW-derm-ah”). Xerosis (pronounced “ze-ROW-sis”) is severely dry skin. Dry skin feels like rough patches of your skin that can flake or look scaly. Everyday things, such as using deodorant soaps and harsh cleaning products, can strip oils and fats from our skin. Taking long, hot showers can also dry your skin. Living in a cold, dry place dries the skin, too. Gleem suggests using our Super Hydrating Cleanser. Our cleanser will better keep your skin barrier moisturized and healthy.
Next goes our One and Done with SPF30. This provide the added benefit of moisturizing dry skin while at the same time providing sun protection. The most serious result of forgoing sunscreen is skin cancer, but that's not the only reason to apply it. According to the Cleveland Clinic, overexposure to the sun, burns, damaging the skin cells and blood vessels, and can cause skin to look older, more wrinkled, dry, discolored, and leathery.
Next our Soft Immersion Moisturizer for the nighttime. Moisturizing Reduces Skin Problems – Moisturizing everyday can reduce the chance of developing extreme dryness or oiliness. Both extremes are harmful for skin and cause common skin conditions like acne. Conceals Other Skin Blemishes – Using a daily moisturizer ensures that the skin's blemishes are camouflaged.